On the Issues
New development springs up around us. Meanwhile, many of our two-lane, SCDOT-owned roads are no longer adequate. Traffic is ruining our way of life in this area. Moreover, many of these roads/intersections are unsafe. They need immediate attention. We all pay taxes and it’s time for state legislators to begin fixing our state roads here instead of sending all our tax revenue to Columbia and Charleston projects.
Infrastructure to me is also so much more than just roads. We have to make sure the growth does not exceed our sewer and water capacities. Growth cannot exceed our abilities to provide first responders in case of emergencies or crime. Growth is good only if it is controlled. I will support our local municipalities to make sure this is being monitored and efficiently constructed.
I use my faith as a guiding light, and I believe each life is a precious gift from God. I will always vote to protect the unborn as your representative. I look forward to the day we overturn Roe v. Wade. I also want to support the education and care for young mothers dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. I support helping and caring for the women who may feel abortion is the only way.
Second Amendment​
Now more than ever, our Second Amendment rights must be protected from those who methodically seek to infringe upon the gun rights of law-abiding citizens. I will defend and protect the Second Amendment as your legislator. Period.
Lower, Flatter Taxes
I support immediately reducing South Carolina's highest-in-the-region income taxes on individuals and businesses. Our state budget had so much extra revenue in 2022, Columbia lawmakers had trouble finding ways to spend it all. That's wrong. I firmly believe to put the money in our hands because we know how to spend our hard-earned money far better than the politicians.
Pro-Law Enforcement
The men and women who protect and serve us deserve our respect and appreciation for their public service. In an era where governments are slashing police funding, I support strengthening our law enforcement agencies to better protect our communities and our homes. As well, I will support legislation to eliminate the state income tax on all retirement pay for law enforcement and veterans in South Carolina. I will also support our judges in enforcing stiffer penalties so the same criminals are not being arrested over and over again.
I am the only candidate in this race who actually attended elementary/middle/high school here (Mauldin Elementary, Laurel Creek Elementary, Beck Middle, and Mauldin High). We are fortunate to have terrific public schools, charter schools and private schools in our community and we must do more to value our teachers who make it all happen. I support a $4,000 bonus for every current teacher in addition to raising the starting salary for state educators to a $40,000 base. In addition, government must not limit education choices and I support common-sense school choice so parents may educate their children as they see fit.
Making College Affordable
My wife and I both graduated the University of South Carolina. I worked my way through college and my wife and I currently have two children in college. We’ve seen first-hand that college tuition is saddling college students with decades of debt. Debt limits their choices and impairs their ability to buy homes as adults and achieve the quality of life we all want for them as parents. Removing duplicative academic programs, tying tuition to demonstrated family income, and reducing subsidies for out-of-state students will help make college more affordable for everyone.
I also support the local community and trade colleges. College and Universities are not the only answer for our young people today. I will fully support these schools in their abilities to pass on the trades that keep our community moving and working.
Penalties for Child Abuse
I would support legislation to promote more severe penalties for anyone convicted of physical or sexual child abuse. The days of slapping these criminals with small consequences for such huge crimes must end. Abuse affects children for the rest of their lives.
The sentences imposed on those convicted of such heinous crimes should be drastic enough to affect the rest of their lives.